Bird Control

Bird Control Essex, Suffolk & Norfolk

Bird Control with SkyeSafe

If you regularly find your land inundated with bothersome birds, there is a high chance that you could benefit from SkyeSafe’s bird control measures across Essex, Suffolk & Norfolk.

Seagulls, pigeons and crows are the most likely offenders in the East Anglia and South East areas – if this is where your premises are based, you are in luck! Specialising in both domestic and commercial estates, we can apply our bird control service to take care of one-off jobs, agree regular contract work or assist on a subcontract basis.

Why is Bird Control Necessary?

While birds are most certainly a creature to be admired, your attitude may change if they have started to negatively impact your environment. From nesting in unwanted areas to splattering droppings across your property, once they have become a nuisance it is time to put measures in place.

When birds invade your property, they will create problems. These problems can include:

  • Clogged drains
  • Noise throughout the day and night
  • Health risks
  • Damaged crops
  • Property damage
  • Loss of business reputation

How SkyeSafe Can help

Bird Control / Deterrents – Anti-Bird Measures

For areas of land situated in Essex, Suffolk and Norfolk, we can offer an array of solutions to your bird problems. It is important to keep in mind that all premises are different, and therefore one may require a particular approach. Fear not, however, as SkyeSafe will guide you towards the most suitable answer.

For a more detailed list of our bird control measures please visit our bird-proofing page.

If you have any questions regarding these measures, please contact us via email at or calling Grant Slater on 07535 979866.